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Pakistan’s Fiscal Crisis

CDPR’s latest insights for Change article attributes Pakistan’s low tax collection as being the heart of its economic crisis. It discusses the inequities, fragmentation and complexities of Pakistan’s tax base, and the gaps in tax policy and administration. The article offers key recommendations for Pakistan to enhance its progress through tax policy reforms, automation, and improved governance. This article is authored by Naghma-e-Tehniat Jerral.

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Trade Policy Measures to Encourage a Shift towards Green Technologies

This research study assesses the extent to which trade and related policy actions can help Pakistan achieve greener growth. It focuses on the following specific policy areas: tariff and non-tariff measures on environmental goods; a framework for dealing with environmental services; and broader industrial policy measures.

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Addressing Constraints Limiting Flow of Private Sector Investments for Climate Change Across the Textile Value Chain

This research study provides insights into Pakistan’s textile value chain, identifying barriers and opportunities for private sector investment to transition towards a low-emission and climate-resilient value chain.

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Export Diversification into Non-Traditional Product Segments

The report identifies new export sectors and products within the manufacturing sector that Pakistan could potentially diversify towards in the short to medium term. It also puts forward a set of preliminary policy recommendations that would facilitate the transition.

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The Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) is a Pakistan based research and dissemination organization supported by the International Growth Center (IGC). It aims to generate public discourse on key policy issues through cutting edge research and policy analysis.

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