Funded by: IGC
Team lead: Hasaan Khawar, Nasir Javed and Fizzah Sajjad
Duration: 2020
Balochistan is the largest province by area, with abundant natural resources, but it remains one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions in Pakistan. This project focuses on developing a spatial strategy for development in Balochistan that can provide policymakers with information and tools through an organizing framework for long-term development planning as opposed to short-term yearly budget planning.
Key Output(s)
A Framework for Development of Balochistan Spatial Strategy
Funded by: IGC
Team lead: Nasir Javed and Ehsan Saqib
Duration: 2020-21
The International Growth Centre (IGC) at the request of the Government of Balochistan (GOB) carried out a study to develop a Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) to guide its development priorities and to maximize the efficiency of its natural, human, and capital resources towards overall development of the province. To ensure traction and uptake of the proposed spatial strategy, the IGC piloted a decision support system that can be used by government departments to help them make investment decisions across various sectors.
Key output(s)