
The Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) will be co-hosting the webinar, How can Pakistan Unlock its Forest Sector’s Potential? in the Pakistan Development Policy Series, with the World Bank. The webinar is scheduled to take place on the 8th of June 2022 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM (PST).

The Pakistan Development Policy Series is a series of discussions inviting debate on key development policy issues relating to Pakistan’s economic and social growth, with the aim of finding solutions through engaging multiple stakeholders including government representatives, leading specialists, representatives from the private sector and civil society. This webinar aims to: (i) outline the current contribution of Pakistan’s forest sector to development; (ii) explore government initiatives that address the forest sector; (iii) highlight strategies adopted by other countries to unlock forest sector value and (iv) explore future avenues for Pakistan to unlock greater opportunities.

The webinar will include a panel discussion, chaired by Dr. Ijaz Nabi (Chairperson CDPR, and Country Director, International Growth Center Pakistan) and Mr. Abedalrazq F. Khalil. The panelists include:

  • Mr. Qadir Shah, National REDD+ Co-ordinator
  • Mr. Amjad Ali, Deputy Project Director (Forest), Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme
  • Mr. Rab Nawaz, Senior Director, World Wildlife Fund, Pakistan
  • Dr. Christopher James Warner,  Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank
  • Dr. Faizul Bari, Natural Resource Management Advisor to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

The discussion will be moderated by Ms. Veronica Salazar-Restrepo (PhD Candidate in Economics, London School of Economics).

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience and will be guided by the following points of discussion:

  • How can the government clarify  forest development strategies at Federal and Provincial level drawing on National Forest Policy of 2015, provincial policies and plans?
  • How can private sector participation and community-based forestry expansion be incentivized?
  • How can the government build on current initiatives such as the 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Project and REDD+?
  • How can the government build technical and institutional capacity needed for better forest management and outcomes?
  • How can forestry research, education and knowledge sharing be strengthened?

How can Pakistan Unlock its Forest Sector – Infographic