
On 22nd February, 2024, CDPR hosted a workshop on “Behavioral Insights & Technology for Revenue Collection: Lessons and Options” in collaboration with Adam Smith International, UKAID, IGC and SEED program, at Marriott, Islamabad.

The aim of the workshop was to explore avenues for strengthening local service delivery, offer approaches to enhance revenue generation, as well as focus on using behavioral insights to enhance sales tax and property tax efforts. It explored mechanisms for provincial governments to analyze behavioral insights on tax administration and willingness to pay, which would allow them to boost revenues and create a fiscal space to responsibly invest in development.

The workshop featured four sessions – Improving Provincial Efforts, Leveraging Sales Tax on Services, Improving Provincial Efforts – Nudging the State Capacity, Tax Administration Reforms and Beneficial Taxation. Each session began with an expert presentation, followed by an open-discussion with all the panelists.

The Agenda for the Workshop can be found here.

Watch the full workshop here

Policy Note