
Climate Change & Environment

Michael Greenstone, Kelsey Jack, and Usman Naeem Can subsidising green agricultural technology reduce smog? An experimental study

This IGC pilot study examines how agricultural emissions contribute to air
pollution in Punjab.

Emun Hafeez & Ahmad Jamal Wattoo Pakistan’s Air Pollution: Research, Policy & Practice

The Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR), International Growth Centre (IGC) and Mahbub-ul-Haq Research Centre (MHRC) hosted a workshop to assess the causes and impact of air pollution in Pakistan. This note is based on the workshop discussion. The two sub themes discussed included data issues and regulatory challenges in tackling air pollution. Participants included …

Zara Salman & Emun Hafeez How Can the Private Sector Help Improve Air Quality in Pakistan

The Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) prepared a air quality landscape mapping report for Pakistan highlighting the role of the private sector in improving air quality. The report was commissioned by Air Quality Asia’s seminar on “Tracking Lahore’s Air Pollution: Transitioning to a Net Zero Business Model”. Duration: March 2023 Key Output: Report: How Can …

Ali Habib, Usman Naeem, Michael Greenstone & Sanval Nasim Emissions Rating Programme: Environmental Impacts and Firm Behaviour

Several countries have used emissions rating programmes to incentivise industrial plants to comply with emissions standards and maintain low levels of pollution. Such programmes function by using regularly monitored emissions data from major industrial plants to rate firms from the least compliant to the most compliant. Besides making environmental performance more transparent, these programmes create …

Sanval Nasim & Ali Habib Charting Pakistan’s Air Quality Policy Landscape

Pakistan’s deteriorating air quality poses a serious challenge to it economic growth and development. Recent evidence suggests that tailored policies especially those that harness the power of information and transparency offer new and better opportunities to mitigate air pollution in developing countries. Studies from India and China reveal that incentivising firms to disclose their emissions …

William P. Mako, Ijaz Nabi, Amna Mahmood & Shehryar Khan Recent Developments in Climate Finance: Implications for Pakistan

The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has ambitious plans for reducing 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 50% of baseline projected levels. These plans anticipate USD 151 billion of investment just for energy sector mitigation projects by 2040. In the GoP’s view, any reduction below baseline projected emissions should be financed from domestic sources and from international …

Sanval Nasim and Faiza Sharif To Adopt or Not to Adopt That is the Question: An Environmental and Economic Case for Zigzag Kilns

This policy brief is funded by an IGC funded study.

Sanval Nasim & Faiza Sharif Investigating the Environmental and Economic Benefits of Energy Efficient Brick Kilns

Conventional brick kilns’ Bull’s Trench Kiln (BTK)” in Pakistan’s Punjab province are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and harmful particulates which exacerbate climate change and deteriorate ambient air quality, respectively. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has recently introduced a new kiln technology “Induced Draft Zigzag Kiln (IDZK)” in Nepal which …