
Charting Pakistan’s Air Quality Policy Landscape

Funded by: IGC
Team lead: Sanval Nasim and Ali Habib
Duration: 2021

Pakistan’s deteriorating air quality poses a serious challenge to it economic growth and development.

Recent evidence suggests that tailored policies—especially those that harness the power of information and transparency—offer new and better opportunities to mitigate air pollution in developing countries. Studies from India and China reveal that incentivising firms to disclose their emissions could improve air quality. Authorities in Punjab must explore evidence-based interventions if they want to reduce pollution and better manage air quality.

Focusing on Punjab and PM2.5, we propose to:

  1. Describe and identify gaps in the state of air pollution regulations;
  2. Map relevant institutions, their intersections and relationships;
  3. Synthesise the current evidence-based policy literature on air pollution and air quality management in similar settings; and
  4. Determine areas of research that would generate the most value to citizens and policymakers.

Key Output(s)

Final Report

Consultative Workshop

Air Quality Workshop Key Takeaways