

Fatima Habib Skills Development in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

This policy note is based on a chapter written by Sarah Saeed (Punjab Skills Development Fund) in the IGC funded report “Reclaiming Prosperity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Medium Term Strategy for Inclusive Growth”.

Evaluation of Punjab Education Sector Reform Programme II

An evaluation of DFID’s Punjab Education Sector Programme (PESP) is being undertaken in collaboration with Oxford Policy Management (OPM), Institute of Development Economic Alternatives (IDEAS) to gauge the progress of the programme and gauge coordination and implementation bottlenecks for devising a revised action plan where required. CDPR is playing an intrinsic role in the entire …

Masooma Habib Mechanisms for Increasing the Accountability of Teachers and Schools in Rural Pakistan to Improve Learning Outcomes

This study responds to a request by the department of education, government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan, to assess how the incentive structure for teachers and administrators can be improved to enhance student learning. The study will make recommendations based on findings from the national and international literature and analysis of data available in KP …

Masooma Habib Teacher and School Administrator Incentives for Improving Education Delivery in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

This Policy Brief is based on an IGC funded report, “Teacher and School Administrator Incentives for Improved Education Delivery in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province, Pakistan”.